In part 2 of this beginner series I will talk about sharing content. Some people are happy with just displaying their models in a cabinet, but there are many ways to share pictures and videos of your models with other people online. In this article I will mention the most popular options.

Social media
Probably the most used platform is social media. On Instagram and Facebook you can find endless pictures and posts from people with all kinds of collections. Instagram is used a lot by people who like sharing pictures and short videos. I myself post there too and it's a great way to see what other collectors have and how they display their models. On Facebook you will find lots of groups, some with thousands of members. In my opinion Facebook is much better if you want to discuss something, ask for advice or buy/trade models. There are dedicated groups for buying/selling/trading, scale or brands. I'm pretty sure some people are on Tiktok too, but I am not so I have no idea how much it's used.

Another way to communicate with your fellow collectors is via forums. These forums are a great way to discuss models and stay updated with the latest releases. If you want to dig into the history of diecast collecting, these forums will have all the information you need. Each had their own moments of controversial and heated discussions, but I will not discuss them here as you can read everything yourself. The most well-known are:

Model Airliner Forum (MAF)
The newest diecast aircraft forum, started in October 2022. Nowadays probably the most active forum aswell.

400scalehangar (400SH)
Home of the exclusive Hangar Club releases and the only place where Aeroclassics hints are (legally) posted. Other brands are discussed too, but not as much.

Diecast Aircraft Forum (DAC)
With 1,3 million posts and over 31.000 members it is (or was) by far the most used forum. These days it's not even close to what it once was unfortunately.
There is also Wings900 and DIMA, of which the latter has an incredible database with almost all models ever made.
Your own website or Youtube channel
Some people created their own channels, like a Youtube channel or a website like this one. They often use it to showcase models or write reviews. I am not collaborating with anyone except Yankeevictor400, so I will not name specific channels or websites, but if you search on Facebook and the forums, you will find them easily.
Other options
Apart from everything mentioned above, there are also Discord groups. For those who don't know, Discord is a mix of Facebook and Skype: you can (video)call and discuss things in groupchats. An honorable mention is that some people are so dedicated to their work, that they publish their content in a book. You can often find these people at collector fairs.
What is the best for me?
If you simply want to share pictures and see what other people post, go on Instagram. If you want to have everything in one place, Facebook is probably the place for you. Don't want the recommendations and ads that Facebook throws at you? Join the forums. If you want to post articles and videos in your own style and have full control, then you're better off creating a website or Youtube channel.

In part 3 of this series I will talk about the manufacturers and brands in the diecast aircraft world. Want to know where and how to sell models and what their value are? Then stay tuned for part 4.
- Mark
Retrohangar Diecast on Instagram
Mark22 on MAF, 400SH and DAC
Want to collaborate or let me review your product? Send me a message via the channels mentioned above!